About Caroline Gray
Photos by Edward Saint Fleur
The person behind C Gray Photo
My name is Caroline Violet Gray (née Mackey) and I am a photographer and artist. After receiving my Bachelors in Journalism at Boston University in 2018, I worked as a freelance photographer and product photographer. I received my Masters in Fine Art at the School of Visual Arts in May 2022, and am currently looking for a full time position in the image making field.
I am a born Californian, raised Virginian, and educated Bostonian. I have been in Manhattan for three years, and am about to make the move out to Jersey City, where I can finally do a little gardening in our backyard!
I have many hobbies outside of image making, such as cooking, watercolor painting, embroidery, indoor and outdoor planting, and, of course, loving Star Wars.
I am currently making my mark in photography, documenting and preserving slices of time that I have experienced, in the hope that one day, even when I am long gone, my work holds historical value. My personal projects as the artist “C Gray” include Her Water, 2020 and In Public Spaces, 2022, which can be seen in my “Master’s Thesis” tab.